Break the Silence About Domestic Violence – Blog
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Break the Silence About Domestic Violence

Break the Silence About Domestic Violence

I am honored to do this awesome project with CVIC. This project will be moving around the city. It is temporarily in my yard. Call ahead and I will have all the markers, paint etc out there for you! One side is a Dove which asks for words of peace love and encouragement for those recovering from violence. The other side is the word Silence which has been Shattered. This side asks for courage. Add one word or many that is your courageous act of speaking out. Some people just put a date of an assault or a day that they told. Some people put the first name of the person they finally told. Some people put poems Anything you want to show your courage & solidarity in speaking out. This monster thrives in the dark to shine a light on it and commit to peace!